Ian Biluck, BS

Research Technician

Center for Data Driven Discovery in Biomedicine

Ian Biluck is a Research Technician responsible for developing patient-derived xenograph models (PDX) in mice. His work involves injecting mice with tissue derived from human brain tumor cell-lines to develop a murine model for brain tumor research.

Prior to joining D3b in June 0f 2021, Ian worked at Thomas Jefferson University where he was involved in research in airway biology to determine the involvement of cell proliferation-related compounds in the pathology of pulmonary diseases. He also conducted research on the neurophysiology of Parkinson’s disease, also while at Thomas Jefferson. Ian interned at CHOP in 2017 in the Neurology division, helping to develop a biorepository of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from patients with somatic motor atrophy (SMA).

Ian completed a BS in Biology from Rutgers University. He maintains many personal connections with people who have been affected by both cancer and neurological disorders, which is what sparked his passion for biomedical research. Ian believes that breakthroughs in the research and treatment of brain cancer are out there, and, more importantly, are within our ability to find them.