Team: Matrix Support Unit


Shay Overstone is a Clinical Research Coordinator in the Division of Neurosurgery who supports activities including informed consent, data collection, data entry/management and coordination between the division of…


Dr. Lorenna Vidal is an attending Pediatric Neuroradiologist in the Division of Neuroradiology in the Department of Radiology. Dr. Vidal completed her medical education in 2005 at the…


Dr. Jeffrey Ware is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiology at the University of Pennsylvania. He is board certified in Diagnostic Radiology, along with a sub-specialization…


Dr. Lisa States is an Attending Radiologist within the Division of Body Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, Director of Oncologic Imaging, and an Associate Professor at the University of…


Jessica Foster is an Instructor, Division of Oncology, Perelman School of Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, responsible for conducting research under the direction of Dr. Adam Resnick. Her…


Will Struebing is a DevOps Engineer within the Department of Biomedical and Health Informatics (DBHi) and is responsible for maintaining the automated cloud infrastructure for the Cavatica web application stack,…


Mike Kelly is the BioRepository Core Operations Manager with responsibility for the execution of repository activities within the CHOP Research Institute.   He oversees operations-related tasks including purchasing, equipment implementation, equipment monitoring…


Asif Chinwalla is Head of Scientific Computing responsible for enabling platforms and methods to solve large-scale scientific and engineering research problems. He oversees the scientific, computational and architectural…